
About Me

Scott Goode

Scott is an ordained minister who pastors an Anglican church in regional New South Wales, Australia. He completed his Bachelor of Divinity and Master of Arts (Theology) at Moore Theological College (Sydney) and has a Master of Theology from Charles Sturt University (School of Theology, St Mark’s National Theological Centre, Canberra). He received an Executive Dean’s Award for his dissertation, a revised version of which, has been published as Salvific Intentionality in 1 Corinthians: How Paul Cultivates the Missional Imagination of the Corinthian Community (Wipf & Stock, 2023). He continues at St Mark’s as a doctoral candidate in New Testament Studies. The provisional title of his research is One Flesh: A Literary and Socio-Rhetorical Study of the Pauline (and Deutero-Pauline) Marriage Texts. Scott maintains active research interests in Pauline studies, the Historical Jesus, and the New Testament Household.

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    John 6:68

    “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life. We have come to believe and know that you are the Holy One of God.” — Simon Peter