The decades-long gender debate within evangelicalism shows few signs of abating and the stakes remain high. For complementarians the plain meaning of Scripture in prohibiting women from certain leadership roles in the church/home is clear. To cross this line is to call the very authority of the Bible into question. Likewise, much is at stake...Read More
Have you engaged with the best version of egalitarian theology? Undertaking my theological education was an exercise in examining one’s assumptions and “returning to the sources” (to quote the Reformation Humanists). It is all too easy, I have discovered, to argue against a strawman. I recall one lecturer saying that we should be able to...Read More
Hermeneutics is the formal term for the art and science of interpretation. The hermeneutical circle refers to the process of understanding a text—the interaction between the parts and the whole, along with the complex interplay between text and reader. In fact, to interpret a text assumes a certain internal hermeneutical stability within oneself—a sense of...Read More
An interesting read and will be most interesting to follow Scott.